Vår partner Gaza Community Health Programme organiserer sommerleir for barn i Gaza. Prosjektet er støttet av GIZ(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH).
Gaza Community Health Programme skriver:
Safe play and Learn in Summer Fun Weeks
In a safe environment that combines learning with fun, 300 children have participated in 'the Summer Fun Weeks' camp, which is organized by Gaza Community Mental Health Programme and funded by the GIZ.
In addition to entertaining the children, the camp aims at achieving a host of other values such as providing the children with learning opportunities and integrating those with disabilities with their normal peers.
The children spend 5 hours every day in the summer camp and a group of 43 animators engage them into a variety of sports and arts activities.
The children participating in the summer camp come from three community-based organisations: Al-Amal Orphanage, 'Association of Revival of Culture', and Gaza Centre for Arts.